WRVID #45 (Wood River Valley Irrigation District)

If your land lies within the highlighted light blue zone outlined on this map, you will receive an assessment bill from the WRVID#45 Board.
Assessments are established each year by the Board of Directors, using a budgeting process to determine the costs incurred to operate and maintain the water delivery system. The annual budget is composed of two parts: district administration costs and infrastructure operation and maintenance costs.
The assessment for each property is proportionate to the flow rate of water identified in the water rights associated with the property. The assessment calculation includes an adjustment based upon water rights priorities to determine the relative time a particular water right is expected to be ‘using’ the delivery system. In other words, a ‘senior’ water right will have a higher assessment per flow rate/duration than a ‘junior’ water right.
If you own the water right, you pay the assessment whether you use the water or not. Your assessment is simply the right to use the water based on Idaho Law.
Assessments are mailed in early November with payment due by December 20th. However, just like property taxes, a district water right holder has the option to pay one-half (1/2) of the assessment on or before December 20th due date, and the remaining one-half (1/2) will not become delinquent until June 20th at 5:00 pm of the following year. The district has a statutory obligation to charge interest and penalties on late payments.
All billing and payments are handled by the district’s Treasurer:
Shirley Spinelli (208) 481-2310 wrvirrigation45@gmail.com