Q & A
Answer: The WRVID #45 is operated by a staff of water delivery professionals under the guidance and supervision of a three-member Board of Directors. Board of Directors meetings are scheduled to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.
Directors are elected to their positions by landowners in the District. The election is held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.
Answer: WRVID levies an irrigation tax against all lands in the District in the fall of each year (at the end of the irrigation season). Payment of the 1st half is due by December 20 of the year of assessment and the 2nd half is due by June 20 of the following year.
It is important for you to understand Idaho law requires you to pay irrigation taxes just as you are required to pay property taxes if your property has a water right. Failure to pay may result in higher taxes for all taxpayers.
If you do not pay your assessment, the District will file a tax lien on your property. If assessments are not paid within three years after recording the delinquency at the County Recorder’s Office, Idaho Law 43-716 requires the Treasurer of the WRVID #45 to issue to the District a tax deed to the property. To avoid the potential loss of title to the property through tax deed sale, the landowner must pay all unpaid liens or assessments.
The purchaser of a tax deed at a tax deed sale holds all rights and title that the irrigation district acquired through the assessment and delinquency proceedings. Once the sale is made and a deed of sale is delivered to the purchaser, any further action is between the landowner and the purchaser, not the landowner and the irrigation district.
Answer: Although the trees and brush along a canal, ditch or drain may appear to be aesthetically pleasing, they can present a problem for WRVID #45. Trees and brush reduce the efficiency of the canal, and a larger percentage of water conveyed in the canal is “lost” due to the vegetation.
By controlling, but not eliminating, vegetation along the canals or drains, more water is available to irrigate the land. When trees or brush fall into a canal, ditch or drain, the blockage can cause flooding or an increase in groundwater. Removing certain vegetation in advance helps reduce the cost and danger.
Answer: Make sure the district has your correct mailing address, your physical address, your email and cell number. It is very helpful for us to be able to get ahold of you if needed. Tools/equipment….don’t throw it out. The district goes through numerous rakes/shovels/pitch forks each season. If you find yourself with extra equipment or tools, please consider donating these items to the WRVID. Heavy equipment…the WRIVD occasionally needs the use of a back hoe or heavy equipment. If you are willing help us out with these big jobs, please let us know. We just might take you up on the offer.